
This chapter describes how to use rhythm. For detailed reference documentation, please see the Reference chapter.

The primary interface to the functionality provided by rhythm should be accessed through the rhythm.lib module. It’s usage is discussed by this chapter.


Time classes in rhythm are created by Time Contexts. The default context is initialized and provided by the rhythm.lib module. The following lists are the time classes created by that context.

Point In Time types:

  • rhythm.lib.Timestamp
  • rhythm.lib.Date
  • rhythm.lib.Week
  • rhythm.lib.GregorianMonth

Measure types:

  • rhythm.lib.Measure
  • rhythm.lib.Days
  • rhythm.lib.Weeks
  • rhythm.lib.Months

The interfaces are described by the abstract base classes in rhythm.abstract. Primarily:

A measurement of time.
A point in time. Points are used to specify calendar dates or calendar dates with time of day.


rhythm includes the class for arbitrary time ranges. They offer more functionality than the builtin the range iterator, regarding integers, but they have similar purposes.

Arbitrary ranges in rhythm are either a pair of rhythm.abstract.Point instances, or a pair of rhythm.abstract.Measure instances. Mixing points and measures in ranges is not necessary as such cases can be easily normalized into a homogenous pair.


Datetime Math

rhythm is heavily based on direct Python int subclasses. This offers many benefits, but it also avoids overriding the integer’s operators leaving a, contextually, low-level operation that should normally be avoided. This likely offers a suprise as the usual + and - operators do not perform as they would with the standard library’s datetime.datetime or many other datetime packages.

Instead, rhythm relies on the higher-level methods to perform delta calculation and point positioning.

Day and Month Fields

The day and month fields of the standard time context are offsets and are not consistent with the usual representation of gregorian day-of-month and month-of-year. Some of the Container keywords do, however, use the usual gregorian representation.

More clearly:

pit = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(iso="2002-01-01T00:00:00")
assert'day', 'month') == 0
assert'month', 'year') == 0

As opposed to the day-of-month and month-of-year fields being equal to 1 as one might expect them to be. Rather, they are offsets.

Annums and Years

The “year” unit in rhythm is strictly referring to gregorian years. This means that a “year” in rhythm is actually twelve gregorian months, which means years are a subjective unit of time. For metric measures–Python timedeltas analog–this poses a problem in that years should not be used to represent the span when working with rhythm.lib.Measure.

In order to compensate, the rhythm.lib.Month class provides a means to express such subjective time spans.

Math in datetime Terms

rhythm does not use the usual arithmetic operators for performing datetime math. Rather, rhythm uses named methods in order to draw a semantic distinction. Not to mention, it is sometimes desirable to use the integer’s operators directly in order to avoid semantics involved with representation types.

The list here points to the abstract base classes. Points are timestamps, datetimes,. Measures are intervals, timedeltas.

timedelta() + timedelta()
rhythm.abstract.Measure.increase() rhythm.lib.Measure(second=0).increase(rhythm.lib.Measure(second=1))
timedelta() - timedelta()
rhythm.abstract.Measure.decrease() rhythm.lib.Measure(second=2).decrease(rhythm.lib.Measure(second=1))
datetime() + timedelta()
rhythm.abstract.Point.elapse() rhythm.lib.Timestamp().elapse(rhythm.lib.Measure(second=1))
datetime() - timedelta()
rhythm.abstract.Point.rollback() rhythm.lib.Timestamp().rollback(rhythm.lib.Measure(second=1))
datetime() - datetime()
rhythm.abstract.Point.measure() rhythm.lib.Timestamp().measure(rhythm.lib.Timestamp())

Constructing Points and Measures

A Point is a Point in Time; like a date or a date and time of day. Usually, this is referring to instances of the rhythm.lib.Timestamp class. A Measure is an arbitrary unit of time and is usually referring to instances the rhythm.lib.Measure class.


“Point” may be a misnomer considering that rhythm allows these objects to be treated as a vector.

Constructing instances is usually performed with the class method rhythm.lib.Measure.of. Or, rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of for Points.

Creating a Timestamp

The rhythm.lib.Timestamp type is the Point In Time Representation Type with the finest precision available by default:

near_y2k = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(date=(2000,1,1), hour=8, minute=24, second=15)
>>> near_y2k

Currently, The rhythm.lib.Timestamp and rhythm.lib.Measure types use nanosecond precision.


The project may increase the precision of Timestamp and Measure in the future so it is important to avoid presumptuous code when possible.

Creating a Date

A Date is also considered a Point In Time type. The Date type exists for the purpose of representing the point in which the specified day starts, and the period between that point and the start of the next day; non-inclusive:

rhythm.lib.Date.of(year=1982, month=4, day=17) # month and day are offsets.

While a little suprising, the above reveals an apparent inconsistency: the month keyword parameter acts as a month offset. To compensate, the date container keyword parameter is treated specially to accept gregorian calendar representation. The keyword parameters are literal increments of units. Subsequently, using the date container can more appropriate:

>>> rhythm.lib.Date.of(date=(1982,5,18))

Getting the Current Point in Time

The primary interface for accessing the system clock is using the callable:

current_time =

The returned timestamp is a UTC timestamp.


Using the system time for managing timeouts is discouraged. rhythm’s clock interface has monotonic devices for managing timeouts.

Creating a Timestamp from an ISO-9660 String

While the rhythm.libformat module manages the details, the rhythm.lib module provides access to the functionality:

ts = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(iso='2009-02-01T3:33:45.123321')

rhythm provides parsers for both ISO-9660 and RFC-1123 datetime formats. The above example shows how to construct a Point in Time from an ISO-9660 string. The following shows RFC-1123, the format used by HTTP:

ts = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(rfc='Sun, 19 Mar 2012 07:27:58')

For direct callable access to this functionality, the Openers functionality should be used:

parse_iso_to_ts =
ts = parse_iso_to_ts('2009-02-01T3:33:45.123321')

Formatting a Standard Timestamp

Likewise, instances can be formatted by the standards:

ts = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(iso='2009-01-01T7:30:0')

And RFC as well:

assert "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00" == rhythm.lib.Timestamp(date=(2000,1,1)).select('rfc')

Constructing a Timestamp from Parts

A rhythm.lib.Timestamp can be constructed from time parts using the rhythm.abstract.Time.of() class method. This method takes arbitrary positional parameters and keyword parameters whose keys are the name of a unit of time known by the time context:

ts = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(hour = 55, second = 78)

Notably, the above is not particularly useful without a date:

        date = (2015, 1, 1),
        hour = 13, minute = 7,
        second = 4,
        microsecond = 324159

Constructing a Timestamp from a UNIX Timestamp

The unix container keyword provides an interface from seconds since the UNIX-epoch, “January 1, 1970”. A timestamp can be made using the rhythm.abstract.Time.of() method:

epoch = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(unix=0)

Subseqently, a given PiT can yield a UNIX timestamp using the method:

now =
unix ='unix')

Alternatively, the composition constructor can be used to build a callable that returns rhythm.lib.Timestamp instances:

from_unix =

And a contrived use-case where the file f contains lines containing unix timestamps:

with open(...) as f:
        times = list(map(from_unix, map(int, f.readlines())))

Arithmetic of Points and Measures

rhythm’s time types are all based on subclasses of Python’s int. The usual arithmetic operators are essentially low-level operations that can be used in certain cases, but they should be restricted to performance critical situations where the higher-level methods cannot be used.

Getting a Particular Day of the Week

Points and scalars can both update arbitrary fields according to a boundary. With Timestamps and Dates aligned on the beginning of a week, an arbitrary day of week can be found by field modification:

ts = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(iso="2000-01-01T3:30:00")
>>> print('day', 'week'))
ts = ts.update('day', 1, 'week') # 0-6, Sun-Sat.
>>> print(ts)
>>> print('weekday'))

By extension, to get the following Monday, just add seven!:

ts = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(iso="2000-01-01T3:30:00")
ts = ts.update('day', 8, 'week')
>>> print(ts)
>>> print('weekday'))

Or, to get the preceding Monday, just substract seven:

ts = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(iso="2000-01-01T3:30:00")
ts = ts.update('day', 1-7, 'week')
# '1999-12-20T03:30:00.000000'
# 'monday'

And so on: 1+|-14, 1+|-21...

Getting a Particular Weekday of a Month

Occasionally, the need may arise to fetch the N-th weekday of the month. This is trickier than getting an arbitrary weekday as it requires the part to be aligned on a month. Given an arbitrary time type supporting gregorian units, ts, the month must first be adjusted to the beginning of the month:

# Find the third Saturday of the month.
ts = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(...)

# Get the first of the month.
ts = ts.update('day', 0, 'month')
# Now the first Saturday of the month.
ts = ts.update('day', 6, 'week')

The above, however, is hiding a factor due to Saturday’s nature of being on the end of the week: alignment. Alignment allows the repositioning of the boundary that a part is selected from or updated by. This provides the ability to designate that a particular weekday be the beginning or end of the week. Subsequently, allowing quick identification:

ts = rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(...)
# Get the last day of the Month.
ts = ts.elapse(month=1).update('day', -1, 'month')
ts.update('day', 0, 'week', align=-2)

Working with Sets and Sequences

The accessor and manipulation methods provide a high level interface to an individual PiT or scalar, but often an operation needs to be applied efficiently to a set or sequence of Time Objects.

The rhythm.lib module has a few tools for constructing–FP’ish–compositions for extraction, manipulation, and creation.

  • rhythm.lib.update

Using these objects to construct selectors and manipulations is often desirable over generator expressions as it allows a reference to the desired transformation.


Currently these compositions work directly with the presented interfaces, so the implementation only offers syntactic convenience. Future versions will provide implementations that offer greater efficiency.


The constructor provides a syntactically convenient means to select fields from an arbitrary Time Object.

For instance, map(, iter), will perform an operation consistent to: ('timeofday') for x in iter).

In the case where the whole needs to be specified, a second attribute may be given:

hour_of_day =
>>> print(hour_of_day(rhythm.lib.Timestamp.of(datetime=(2001,1,1,4,30,2))))


Constructs an updater that can mapped onto an iterator of Time Objects. For instance, map(, iter), will perform an operation consistent to: (x.update('day', 0, 'week') for x in iter)

The rhythm.lib.update constructor provides a syntactically convenient means to update a field of an arbitrary Time Object.

Field updates can provide a concise means to simplify some rather tricky date-time math.


There is often a need to construct an opener. Instantiating timestamps from date-time tuples, ISO formatted timestamps, and UNIX timestamps is common.

The constructor provides a syntactically convenient means of doing so.

Open is different from Select and Update as it is primarily concerned with instantiation. Therefore, the desired type to “open into” must be specified as a parameter to the constructor.

Common forms:
Given an integer relative to the UNIX epoch, return a corresponding rhythm.lib.Timestamp instance.
Given an ISO formatted string, return a corresponding rhythm.lib.Timestamp instance.
Same as the varient taking the timestamp, but align the Point to the date.
Like the ISO variant, but take an RFC complient string. This is notably useful when working with HTTP.
Build a constructor that takes seconds from the UNIX epoch and returns a rhythm.lib.Timestamp instance.

Working with the Clock

rhythm has the concept of a clock. This clock has multiple services for tracking the passing of time according to the “clockwork” of the underlying operating system. This includes monotonic passing of time, and “demotic”, colloquial.

The rhythm.libclock module provides the implementation of the rhythm.abstract.Clock interface using the rhythm.system module. The rhythm.system module uses whatever facilities it was able to find at compile time in order to provide maximum precision.

Demotic and Monotonic Time

Clocks have two concepts of time, the demotic and monotonic. The rate of change of demotic time is mutable and the monotonic time is, ideally, immutable.


The designation of “demotic time” is not common.

Demotic time is the UTC standard wall clock time and is often referred to ambiguously as it is generally assumed to be the desired perspective of time. rhythm even refers to this ambiguously as “now”,

Monotonic time is the amount of time that has elapsed from some arbitrary point and rhythm denotes that by only returning rhythm.lib.Measure instances for representing monotonic time.

Direct use of the rhythm.clock.monotonic() method is not recommended for most cases. Rather, rhythm provides some iterators and context managers that cover the common use-cases of monotonic time.

Time Meters

Time meters, rhythm.lib.clock.meter(), are iterators provided by rhythm.abstract.Clock implementations that track the amount of time that has elapsed since the first iteration:

for x in rhythm.lib.clock.meter():
        if'second') > 1:

Meters are perfect for polling situations with timeouts.

Delta Meters

In other cases, the total time is not particularly interesting or needs be calculated by another component of the process. Delta meters, are iterators that yield the amount of time that has elapsed since the prior iteration.

Delta meters are good for implementing rate limiting:

total = rhythm.lib.Measure()
for x in
        total = total.elapse(x)
        if x.__class__(total).select('second') > 1:

Tracking Arbitrary Units over Time

Using the same underlying functionality as, the rhythm.libflow module provides tools for tracking units over time for a set of objects.

Instances of the rhythm.libflow.Radar class manage the tracked units over a period of time for a given set of objects. It keeps records of the given units associated with the amount of time that has elapsed since the last record was made. The time deltas are ultimately collected using the system’s monotonic clock.

By default, Radars use weak references in order to identify when there is no need to keep records on an object. In order to begin tracking an object’s units, just start tracking:

import socket
from rhythm import libflow
s = socket.socket()
R = libflow.Radar()
units = 0
R.track(s, units)

This creates a record associated with the socket object s noting zero units. However, usually it is best to wait until an actual transfer occurs before tracking an object. When an object is tracked for the first time, its corresponding chronometer is started. Subsequently, the initial rate information may be skewed by additional time.

Everytime the units of an object are tracked, rhythm.lib.Radar.track(), a new record is created. The number of records can grow unbounded unless some maintenance is performed. There are two methods for maintenance: rhythm.lib.Radar.collapse() and rhythm.lib.Radar.truncate().

In cases where the overall rate is desired, collapse provides the necessary functionality to aggregate the records:

R = libflow.Radar()
data = processdata()
R.track(ob, len(data))
data = processdata()
R.track(ob, len(data))
R.collapse(ob) # "ob" now has one record associated with it

In cases where the interest only lies in a previous window, truncate will trim the records according to the window’s specification:

R = libflow.Radar()
data = processdata()
R.track(ob, len(data))
data = processdata()
R.track(ob, len(data))
records_before_last_six_seconds = R.truncate(ob, lib.Measure.of(second=6))
rate_over_last_six_seconds = R.rate(ob)

In cases where both are desired, the collapse method can be given a window. The total resource consumption is entirely recorded while the specified window’s consistency is maintained.

Working with Time Zones

Time zones are difficult. In the best situations, use is not necessary, but that is, unfortunately, not often. Time zones offer a rather unique problem as programmers are indirectly forced into supporting designations often defined by local government. This imposition complicates the situation dramatically. Even in the case where the right process is followed, it is possible to come to the wrong conclusion given rotten time zone information.

There is no easy mode when being time zone aware. It’s an extra level of detail that must be managed by the application.

Understanding Time Zones

The difficulty of time zones stems from the need to transition to and from an offset for appropriating the representation of a Point in Time. This is referring to a couple tasks:

  • Representing a UTC Point in Time in a local form.
  • Converting a local form to a UTC Point in Time.

While this is trivial on the face, the local form is actually a moving target. A time zone database is maintained by a standards body in order to keep track of how the local form varies. Often this involves daylight savings time, but extends into situations where political decisions alter the offsets for a given region altogether. At a wider scope the database can change entirely. Consider database corrections, updates, or complete substitutions.

This subjective offsetting can create situations where a given time of day of a local form is either ambiguous or invalid. Proper handling of these cases is often dependent on the context in which a given local form is being used.

When working with zoned PiTs, there are two situations:

  1. A canonical PiT, normally a PiT in UTC associated with a zone.
  2. A local PiT where the local form is being represented

Each situation has its own requirements for proper zone handling.

In the first, the zone identifier should be associated with the PiT object. These objects should always be a type capable of designating a date and time of day, the rhythm.lib.Timestamp type. Representation types like rhythm.lib.Date don’t require zone adjustments unless it is ultimately intended to refer to the beginning of the day in that particular zone in UTC.

In the second, the actual offset and zone identifier applied to the zone should be associated with the PiT object.

Getting an Offset from a UTC Point in Time

While rhythm.libzone provides the implementation of Zone objects, high level access is provided via the function:

tz ='America/Los_Angeles')
pit =
offset = tz.find(pit)

Once the rhythm.libzone.Offset object has been found for a given point in time, the UTC point can be adjusted:

la_pit = pit.elapse(offset)

Localizing a UTC Point in Time

The examples in the previous section show the details of localization. rhythm.libzone.Zone instances have the above functionality packed into a single method, rhythm.libzone.Zone.localize():

pit, offset =

The offset applied to the point in time is returned with the adjusted point as it is often necessary in order to properly represent the timestamp:

"2013-01-17T15:36:35.834813000 PST-28800"

Normalizing a Local Point in Time

Normalization is the process of adjusting a localized timestamp by its known offset into a UTC timestamp and then localizing it. The rhythm.libzone.Zone.normalize() method has this functionality:

pit, offset =
normalized_pit, new_offset =, pit)

Where normalized_pit and new_offset are the exact same objects if no change was necessary.